
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lacing Up My Running Shoes

It's that time of year again when I start trying to shed that winter coat. I love running, but I tend to hibernate in the winter.  :)  I've been running for many years now and it's one of the best things I've done for myself.  I've done 2 full marathons and many 1/2 marathons.   Finishing a marathon is one of the most exhilarating experiences you'll ever have.   If you've ever thought about it, go for it!

Anyone can put on a pair of sneakers and get out there! One of the things I enjoy most about running is the bond I've created with my running buddies.  Running sounds like a solitary activity, but it's really not.  My running buddies and I have gone through 3 babies and truly cherish our weekend runs as special time just to take care of ourselves and to catch up with each other. It's amazing how much material we can cover in an hour or two!

Here are some of my tips on running:

  • Go to a running store and get professionally fitted for running shoes, not just athletic shoes. You'll be thankful you did!
  • Find some friends. I'm not a solo runner and rely on the support (and peer pressure) of my running buddies.
  • Sign up for a race! Find one that suits you and start off easy. Nothing like some cash to make the commitment more real.  I'm signed up for a 12k in a couple of weeks and the Seattle Rock n Roll 1/2 Marathon in June.

What is something you've always wanted to do just for yourself?

1 comment:

Sandrine said...

Oh hello BYW fellow student here.I enjoyed reading your post about running.I am a running mummy too :)My goal is the 1/2 marathon...need a running buddy I think :)shame we are so far away LOL!
Will be adding myself to your follower :)
Sandrine x


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